• Question: Do you believe in aliens and do you think they exist?

    Asked by marinebio1213 to Ed, Hayley, Jason, Nathan, Sophie on 12 Mar 2013. This question was also asked by donkey123, 10hrobson, toxicity, mintyicee, fiedorczykb10105.
    • Photo: Nathan Green

      Nathan Green answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Why not? The universe is a pretty big place after all. In probability if there’s an infinite sequence of numbers (16354746483823632738373…) then every number appears infinitely often and every pattern of numbers, like sequences of the same number in the whole thing, are infinitely long! So if the universe is big enough its a fair bet there’s something.

    • Photo: Jason King

      Jason King answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      I’m sure that other forms of life exist somewhere out there, if the conditions were right for life to happen once, if there are enough planets (and I think there probably are) it’s almost guaranteed to happen other times. Unfortunately, the universe is really, really big, and has been around a very long time, so for us to meet an intelligent alien it would have to be close enough for us to contact, as well as being around at the same time as us. We’re still keeping a keen eye out for them though!

    • Photo: Hayley Evers-King

      Hayley Evers-King answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      I think it’s very likely, just because the universe is so big. Though saying that I think it’s unlikely that two types of life will have evolved sophisticated means that are similar enough to communicate with each other in our life times.
