• Question: Do you think the polar ice caps melting will effect the wales migration?

    Asked by alexgabriel26 to Hayley, Sophie on 22 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Hayley Evers-King

      Hayley Evers-King answered on 22 Mar 2013:

      It’s possible. If the ice caps melting effects the wider ecosystem around the poles, this might significantly affect the whales food sources – they eat tiny microscopic creatures known as plankton! Here’s an interesting article about how grey whales might be affected by changes to their environment: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=whales-head-north

    • Photo: Sophie Holles

      Sophie Holles answered on 22 Mar 2013:

      Well if the polar ice caps completely melt then there might not be any habitat for the whale food, (krill, the reason most whales migrate to the poles) to live in! So the whales might have no reason to go there or any food to eat!
