• Question: do you think there is a cure for cancer? is the discovery of that answer something that is close within time or do you think it will take a while?

    Asked by 10toyetunji to Jason, Ed, Hayley, Nathan, Sophie on 11 Mar 2013. This question was also asked by mariatereza, jartin, thecoolboys.
    • Photo: Jason King

      Jason King answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      Hi there. The problem with cancer is that it isn’t just one disease. There are lots of different kinds of cancer, with different causes, and therefore need different treatment. So something that can cure breast cancer for example, might not work at all for skin cancer, and may not even work for a different kind of breast cancer.

      This all makes it very complicated, and there is probably no single “cure” for cancer. That said, we are learning so much more about cancer all the time, and are getting better at treating it. 20 years ago, if you got beast, or testicular cancer you would not have lived very long, but now many people survive for decades, or get cured altogether! Other cancers are less treatable, but we are getting there, although it may take a while.
