• Question: does smiling makes persuades another person to smile?

    Asked by achelleabby to Ed, Hayley, Jason, Nathan, Sophie on 18 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Hayley Evers-King

      Hayley Evers-King answered on 18 Mar 2013:

      It kind of depends on the situation. Studies have shown that people can tell a fake smile and obviously you can smile in inappropriate situations and people won’t then smile back. But if you are genuinely happy it seems often that other people smile back at you. Your question made me smile right now too – wonder if it works with emoticons? 🙂

    • Photo: Nathan Green

      Nathan Green answered on 18 Mar 2013:

      When 2 people are getting along already they are more likely to naturally copy each other without even knowing it. They move their arms at the same time, lean forward and back at the same time and maybe smile at the same time. Some people reckon this can work artificially the other way round so if you want to get some one to feel comfortable with you then copy them. but do it naturally otherwise its a bit creepy!
