• Question: Is there any proof that beings from another planet have visited earth at any time in history?

    Asked by theojoseph2 to Ed, Hayley, Jason, Nathan, Sophie on 11 Mar 2013.
    • Photo: Jason King

      Jason King answered on 11 Mar 2013:

      Although we know a lot about animals that existed on our planet a long time ago, I don’t think there is anything publicly known about any aliens. Trying to find life on other planets is still a major goal of lots of scientists, and with all that universe out there you would think that there must be some somewhere.

    • Photo: Edward Bovill

      Edward Bovill answered on 12 Mar 2013:

      Currently, there is no proof that aliens have ever visited earth and most conspiracy theories that say that they have are easily proved to be false.
      Crop circles, which for quite a few years were considered proof by some people that aliens were visiting us, turned out to be a few guys with planks and ropes very carefully trampling down the crops in the symmetrical patterns.
      Other places where aliens have apparently landed, such as Area 51, are probably just secret government military bases where members of the public have seen flashing lights and assumed that there are aliens around.
      The search for life on other planets is ongoing and a really important part of our modern study of the universe.
